Category: Health + Fitness

Photo of Christine Lusita riding a bicycle in a lush enviornment

Sunday Inspiration

by Christine Lusita | | Health + Fitness

Ah… Sundays…They’re such a great way to reconnect with ourselves, our environment and reenergize for the week ahead. One of my favorite ways I restore balance and prep for a positive and productive week ahead is to go to the farmers market on my bike— I LOVE seeing the same vendors, with some of my[…]

10 Gift Ideas For Your Fit Friends

by Christine Lusita | | Health + Fitness

Looking for the perfect gift to get your fitness-obsessed bestie? Or how about a gift for family member looking to just get started. Look no further! I have gathered the 10 best gift ideas that any fit friend will love! Whether they are a runner, yogi, or foodie, you’re sure to put a smile on[…]