Sunday Inspiration
by | | Health + Fitness
Ah… Sundays…They’re such a great way to reconnect with ourselves, our environment and reenergize for the week ahead. One of my favorite ways I restore balance and prep for a positive and productive week ahead is to go to the farmers market on my bike—
I LOVE seeing the same vendors, with some of my favorite fruits and veggies. Fresh raspberries, blackberries and blueberries And OMG Valencia oranges are one of my favorite foods that I eat every single day of the week! When I see the same vendors week after week, we talk, they save me my favorite yellow flowers, I drink fresh coconut water and I remember to live in the moment of now. As a busy entrepreneur, it’s too easy to get swept up in doing, doing, doing but what I’ve come to realize is the true joy of life is in the being…So I want to encourage you to find your own Sunday inspiration and reconnect with what restores you, what makes YOU feel good and I’ll borrow a line form NIKE and just do it!
Please share below how you restore on a Sunday. I wanna know! Xo