The Bigger the Waste, the Bigger the Waist!
by | | Lifestyle
OKAY, I’M SURE THERE ARE energetic, productive, lean, and healthy people out there who live in complete chaos. In fact, I know one excellent fitness trainer who has probably not seen her car upholstery in years, thanks to the accumulation of kettle bells and yoga mats.
But believe me, those people are exceptions. Clutter drains energy. It’s as simple as that. You say you don’t believe me—you behind the stack of unopened mail, months-old magazines, and piles of charger cords? Let me ask you a question. Do you not sit a little straighter behind the wheel right after you’ve vacuumed your car? Do you not breathe relief from your shitty day when you see your cleaning lady has paid a visit? And do you not then feel a little bit more badass, a little more in control of your day and life?
Many of my clients come to me in a state of lingering overwhelm. There was Kelly, who said she just could not understand why she had no energy, no time, and an extra 20 pounds that stuck to her like a lamprey eel. She was young, she was healthy, she was smart—what the hell was wrong? So I paid her a visit at home. After I parted the sea of chip bags and soda cans (no surprise there), I saw bags of fabric and a dusty sewing machine. I saw stacks of unread books and papers. I saw dishes piled on counters and recycling piled on the floor. I even saw a pair of jeans in an open closet that I knew hadn’t fit her since the last millennium. And in the middle of it stood Kelly, looking hopeless. No wonder! It was as if every object were screaming, “Deal with me already, you loser!”
Here’s the thing: clean is transformative. It really is! A chaotic space is a nag and a drag, a constant reminder of everything we’re bad at and dislike about ourselves. That project we’ll never get to. That invitation we forgot to answer. That $250 jacket the salesperson talked us into that we wore once. The Facebook “friends” from fifth grade. Who needs them? Even talking about it is exhausting.
This is an excerpt from The Right Fit Formula