Category: Lifestyle

The Bigger the Waste, the Bigger the Waist!

by Christine Lusita | | Lifestyle

OKAY, I’M SURE THERE ARE energetic, productive, lean, and healthy people out there who live in complete chaos. In fact, I know one excellent fitness trainer who has probably not seen her car upholstery in years, thanks to the accumulation of kettle bells and yoga mats. But believe me, those people are exceptions. Clutter drains[…]

When You Get Clean, You Get Lean—For Real!

by Christine Lusita | | Lifestyle

The Bigger the Waste, the Bigger the Waist! OKAY, I’M SURE THERE ARE energetic, productive, lean, and healthy people out there who live in complete chaos. In fact, I know one excellent fitness trainer who has probably not seen her car upholstery in years, thanks to the accumulation of kettle bells and yoga mats. But[…]

Let’s get to work!

by Christine Lusita | | Lifestyle

Whatever goal you choose, your first exercise will be the following: Pick up a pencil. You’re going to write down exactly what you plan to achieve, how, why, and when. Why write? It’s the best way to keep yourself accountable. If your goal is no candy for two weeks, seeing it in black and white[…]