Now that you know what your optimal day looks like, there’s just one teeny challenge left. How do you stay on track? How do you keep from sliding back to the dark side, to the Land of Distractions and Time Sucks? How do you keep your schedule from looking like a page out of John[…]
If you’ve ever taken a personality test, chances are it was the one developed by psychol- ogists William Moulton Marston and Walter Clarke. Their DiSC program is the gold standard in personality assessment, grouping people by four main categories: Dominant, Influential, Steady, or Conscientious. It turns out those categories describe my own clients beautifully. In[…]
You Can’t Hurry Love . . . or Change . . . or Weight Loss! I HAVE A FRIEND who decided that she was going to quit sugar. Forever. So the day be- fore she quit, she said good-bye to her sugar by loading up on brownies and ice cream and Frappuccinos. Sound familiar? Hey,[…]